Interdem Academy
INTERDEM Academy is a European training network for early-career dementia researchers. INTERDEM Academy was established in 2014. The aim of INTERDEM Academy is to develop the careers and to build capacity of early-career researchers working on psychosocial interventions under supervision of INTERDEM seniors. INTERDEM Academy want to support the early stage researchers in their pathway to senior posts in the field.
To achieve this, INTERDEM Academy organizes expert workshops and masterclasses to develop ideas and methodological expertise. The INTERDEM Academy offers biannual travel fellowships for PhD students and postdoc researchers allowing them to spend 3-6 months in another INTERDEM research center. The goal is the exchange of knowledge and experience between the INTERDEM centres. INTERDEM Academy has grown in recent years to around 200 members from 20+ different countries. INTERDEM Academy and its activities are coordinated by Alzheimer Center Limburg/Maastricht University, the Netherlands.
The INTERDEM academy offers the opportunity to share expertise, create awareness for Academy talent and stimulate collaboration.
Executive office INTERDEM Academy:
About INTERDEM Academy
The INTERDEM Academy has been founded in 2014 as part of the PRIDE project (PRomoting Independence in Dementia), funded by the NIHR/ ESRC (Ref ES/L001802/1WP5), led by prof Martin Orrell. This project aimed to identify how social and lifestyle changes may help reduce the risk of developing dementia and disability. PRIDE’s workpackage WP5 was to develop an INTERDEM Academy for the career development and capacity building of researchers in the area of psychosocial interventions and timely diagnosis in people with dementia, and to support the pathway to senior academic posts in the field. Maastricht University/Alzheimer Center Limburg was appointed the coordinating centre (prof Frans Verhey, prof Marjolein de Vugt). A postdoc was appointed for support in administration and organization. Prof Orrell, together with Dr Aimee Spector (UCL) and prof Esme Moniz-Cook were are also members of the organisation team.
Travel Fellowship - 2023/2024
Winner of the 2023/2024 Travel fellowship
The INTERDEM Academy Fellowship 2023-2024 has been awarded to Andreia Fonseca de Paiva, PhD student at the University of Bradford, UK. She visited the University of Surrey (UK), and Maastricht University (The Netherlands) during her exchange of 5 weeks, to learn more about ‘Connecting Minds, Advancing Care: Advancing Dementia Prevention and Care Innovation through Global Research Partnerships and Knowledge Exchange.’. You can read more about her experiences here.
Contact and more information:
INTERDEM Academy Executive office
INTERDEM Academy previous Fellowships
The INTERDEM Academy Fellowship 2021-2022 has been awarded to Charlèss Dupont, Early Stage Researcher at Vrije Universiteit Brussel (Belgium. She visited Ulster University (Northern Ireland) during her exchange of 3 months, to learn more about ‘The use of web log data in a feasibility study to evaluate an advance care planning website for people with dementia and family caregivers’. You can read more about her experiences here.
Membership & Registration Form
INTERDEM Academy is a network of early- and midcareer researchers exploring psychosocial interventions for dementia under the supervision of INTERDEM members. Membership is free of charge and will enable you to take part in our events, and/or to apply for one of our travel fellowships.
Criteria for INTERDEM Academy Membership:
- Are you involved in psychosocial research about dementia?
- Do you consider yourself a junior researcher in the field?
- Are you affiliated with or supervised by an INTERDEM member? *Not mandatory!*
If you’re in doubt about your eligibility to become an INTERDEM Academy member, please email us at
Applications for membership of INTERDEM Academy can be done by filling out this FORM
(Note, by signing up for the INTERDEM Academy, you agree that your contact information will be stored on a secured server of Maastricht University, only accessible by the INTERDEM Academy executive office, for the duration of your membership)
INTERDEM Academy Masterclass
Next INTERDEM Academy Masterclass – Aveiro, Portugal (September 30 & October 1)
On behalf of HOMEDEM we want to invite you to the INTERDEM Academy days of the HOMEDEM training school at University of Aveiro, Portugal, on September 30 and October 1, 2024.
Theme day 1: Lectures on caregiving support and reminiscence + workshop on data visual representation
Theme day 2: Lectures on person-centered dementia care and economics of psychosocial care + workshop on evaluation in design research
Participation is free of charge. If you are interested in participating in this masterclass, you can send us a email at ( before July 31st, then we will send you the registration link and the schedule!
We hope to see you there.
Previous INTERDEM Academy Masterclass
HOMEDEM training school at Politecnico di Milano, Italy, on May 13 and 14, 2024
Theme day 1: Service design and care ecosystems
Theme day 2: Healthcare policy & design
HOMEDEM Masterclass Technology, Research and Design in Dementia
Thursday 1 February 2024, Eindhoven, the Netherlands
This in-person masterclass is part of the Doctoral Training Network project HOMEDEM, which focusses on co-designing a home with dementia, and will be part of their 2nd training week. This Masterclass is hosted by Eindhoven University of Technology and co-hosted by Maastricht University (the Netherlands). Registration and participation are free of charge for all INTERDEM Academy members.
Previous INTERDEM Academy Masterclass
The previous in-person INTERDEM Academy Masterclass “Breaking the stigma: INTERDEM Academy and HOMEDEM, connecting and designing for dementia”, took place at the campus Genk/C-mine (Belgium) on Tuesday the 3rd of October 2023. To learn more about the experiences of Maud Ritzen, one of our attendees, go to our blog.
INTERDEM Academy Café & SPOTLIGHT Webinar Series
INTERDEM Academy Cafe is an online event where European early-career dementia researchers meet and learn from and with each-other.
Previous INTERDEM Academy Cafés:
- 5 December 2022: Exploring best practices to support early career dementia researchers: A World Café – Part 2
- 30 March 2023: Playing the Dilemma game
- 29 June 2023: Artificial Intelligence (AI), technology and business for living with dementia
Join us for the INTERDEM Spotlight webinar! In this new webinar series the taskforces take the spotlight and will prepare an informative and interactive session for all INTERDEM and Academy members.
- Stay up to date on the latest research and best practices;
- Meet and learn from fellow INTERDEM members;
- Network and build new collaborations!
Next webinar:
Friday 6 December 2024 Taskforce Inequalities in Dementia Care |
Previous webinars:
Friday 8 December 2023
Taskforce Intercultural Aspects
Friday 8 March 2024
Taskforce Methodology
Friday 14 June 2024
Taskforce Technology
For more information, please contact Sara Bartels ( or Esther Gerritzen (, Academy board members.
Publication Award
INTERDEM Academy Publication Award 2023-2024
We are proud to announce that the call for articles for the annual INTERDEM Academy publication award is open and welcoming submissions. The purpose of this award is to create a platform in which young researchers inform each other and the senior INTERDEM network about their important research.
The winner will be invited to give a short presentation during the annual INTERDEM business meeting prior to the 34th annual Alzheimer Europe Conference (Geneva, Switzerland, 8-10 October 2024), and the top 3 will provide a blog on their contribution to be published on
Additionally, the winner will receive a €1000,- prize, and the two runners-up will each receive €500,-. This money is meant for a course/conference/training to support your career development.
If you want to participate, send us an email ( to receive more information!
Outcome 3rd INTERDEM Academy Publication Award – 2022-2023
Winner of this year’s award:
Runner-up (in alphabetical order)
- Federica D’Andrea – Object Handling for People With Dementia: A Scoping Review and the Development of Intervention Guidance
- Maarten Houben– Designing for Everyday Sounds at Home with People with Dementia and their Partners
To learn more about the winning articles of this year and their authors, go to
Other information
One of the most crucial aspects of establishing a successful research career is securing funding. For early career researchers, understanding where to find funding can be the key to advancing your work. See below some links that may help you with this: