United Kingdom

Tamara Backhouse
University of East Anglia
Research Fellow at the University of East Anglia. Research focusses on dementia care interventions and care homes.

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Ana Barbosa
University of Bradford

chair of the INTERDEM website committee, actively involved in the taskforces by propose new research directions, collaborating on  grant proposals and co authorised papers/reports. Person centered care, care homes, carers wellbeing: dementia workforce training and education, psychosocial interventions, technology in dementia


Dawn Brooker
Professor Emeritus and Former Director of the Association for Dementia Studies, University of Worcester

Dawn Brooker is Former Director of the Association for Dementia Studies at Worcester University. She is a clinical psychologist who focusses on the person centred dementia care.

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Davide Bruno
Liverpool John Moores University

Memory assessment, early detection of cognitive impairment, process score analysis of neuropsychological tests

Dr Andrea Capstick
University of Bradford

Associate Professor in Dementia Studies. Education, participatory research, human rights and social inclusion.

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Dr Janet Carter
North East London NHS Foundation Trust

Clinical diagnosis young onset dementia

Neil Chadborn
University of Nottingham
Public health and health services research https://www.nottingham.ac.uk/medicine/people/neil.chadborn

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David Challis
PSSRU, University of Nottingham

Professor of Social Care, Institute of Mental Health, University of Nottingham

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Richard Cheston
University of the West of England
Psychotherapy, existential threat, nostalgia, attachment

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Hannah Christie
Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland

Postdoctoral researcher - equity in technological innovations in dementia

Laura Cole
Geller Institute of Ageing and Memory (GIAM), University of West London

Senior Lecturer and Course Lead for the MSc Dementia Studies 

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Michael Craven
NIHR MindTech MedTech Co-operative & University of Nottingham
Senior Research Fellow. Design and evaluation of medical devices and digital health innovations, primarily focused on mental health and dementia

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Nathan Davies
Queen Mary University of London

Professor in Ageing and Applied Health and Care Research.

Research: Palliative care, family carers, psychosocial interventions, digital interventions, decision making.


Kay de Vries
De Montfort University
Professor of Older People's Health; expertise in dementia care, in acute, community and care home environments

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Tom Dening
University of Nottingham
Old age psychiatry; dementia

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Claudio Di Lorito
University College London

Research Fellow in dementia research with expertise in LGBTQIA+ communities living with dementia

Jemima Dooley
University of Bristol
Senior Research Associate in Qualitative Methods. Expertise in conversation analysis, patient and public involvement and innovative research methods.

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Shirley Evans
Association for Dementia Studies, University of Worcester
Senior Research Fellow at the Association for Dementia Studies and is Programme Manager for the UK Meeting Centre Support Programme with an interest in community-based interventions

Katie Featherstone
Professor of Sociology & Medicine

Director of the Geller Institute of Ageing and Memory, a flagship Institute within the University of West London, delivering interdisciplinary applied research and education. The Institute’s focus is on delivering the evidence to inform high quality health and social care to benefit people living with dementia, older people, their care partners and families


Heather Gage
University of Surrey
Health economist, health services research

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Shirley Evans
Association for Dementia Studies, University of Worcester
Senior Research Fellow at the Association for Dementia Studies and is Programme Manager for the UK Meeting Centre Support Programme with an interest in community-based interventions

Clarissa Giebel
University of Liverpool / NIHR ARC NWC
Postdoctoral Research Associate in dementia care, focusing on enabling people with dementia stay independent at home and addressing health inequalities

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Amanda Griffiths
Professor of Occupational Health Psychology
Employers’ perspectives on working age dementia; healthcare workforce development and wellbeing

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Sarah Griffiths
University College London

Senior Research Fellow with clinical background in speech and language therapy. Special interest in communication aspects of dementia care and research involvement.


Dr Azu Guzman
University of Edinburgh and NHS Lothian
Lecturer in Health and Ageing at the School of Health in Social Science and Clinical Psychologist at the Department of Clinical Neuroscience, Western General Hospital..


Dr Kerry Hanna
University of Liverpool

Lecturer in orthoptics. Researcher in health inequalities, vision impairment after acquired brain injury, and dementia. Mixed methods research


Melanie Handley
University of Hertfordshire

Associate Professor Research focuses on systems of care and support for people living with dementia and their supporters


Emma Harding
University College London

I am a research psychologist and psychotherapist developing psychosocial interventions to support people affected by genetic, non-memory-led, and young onset dementias

Karen Harrison Dening
Dementia UK
Head of Research and Publications for the UK charity and for Admiral Nursing, specialist care managers for families affected by dementia.

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Catrin Hedd Jones
Psychologist and Lecturer

Co lead for the Centre for Ageing and Dementia Research Wales work package: Developing research methods, involvement, and engagement (2020-2025)
Lecturer (FT) in Dementia studies (2016-) and Lead for developing the Professional Doctorate in Ageing and Dementia at the School of Medical and Health Sciences, Bangor University.

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Juanita Hoe
City, University of West London

Professor of Dementia Care Geller Institute of Ageing and Memory (GIAM), University of West London, 


Eef Hogervorst
Loughborough University
Cross cultural diagnostics, assessments of lifestyle related interventions (exercise, nutrition, hormone treatment).


John Hudson
University of Lincoln
Senior Lecturer in Neuropsychology. Research focuses on using cognitive profiles to guide care related decsions in dementia..

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Anthea Innes
McMaster University

Professor of Health Aging and Society and Gilbrea Chair in Aging and Mental Health

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Ian Andrew James
Department of Clinical Psychology, Akenside Offices, Campus for Ageing and Vitality,
Clinical Psychologist & Hon. Prof. at University of Bradford. Interest in use of psychotherapy with people with both dementia & challengning behaviour.

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Phil Joddrell
University of Sheffield/Dementia UK

Research Fellow at Dementia UK focusing on post-diagnostic support and the use of digital technology

Danielle Jones
University of Bradford, Centre for Applied Dementia Studies

Associate Professor in Dementia Studies. Programme Lead, Practitioners with Special Interest in Dementia. Education, participatory research, human rights and social inclusion.

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Karan Jutlla
University of Wolverhampton

Dementia Lead and Head of the Health Research Centre. Area of expertise are in dementia care in ethnic minorty communities in the UK, partocularly south Asians


Professor John Keady
The University of Manchester
Professor of Older Peoples Mental Health, Expertise: nursing, participatory approaches; neighbourhoods.


Dr Fiona Kelly
Queen Margaret University
Lecturer (teaching and research). Qualitative research, environmental design, human rights, ethics, selfhood, end of life

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Aleksandra (Ola) Kudlicka
University of Exeter
Psychologist and researcher, University of Exeter, UK. My expertise is in cognitive rehabilitation for people with dementia, executive function, and clinical trials


Leah Macaden
University of Edinburgh

Teaching, research, co-production, dementia workforce development - education & Training, Post graduate



Orcid Link
Rhoda MacRae
University of West of Scotland

Dementia in secure communities, advanced dementia and dementia education research  

Gayle Madden
Dementia UK
Practice Development Facilitator supporting Admiral Nurses working with families living with dementia.


Ian Maidment
Aston University
Researcher into medication Optimisation using qualitative and realist approaches

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Jill Manthorpe
King's College London

Professor Emerita of Social Work and former Director of the NIHR Health and Social Care Workforce Research Unit, King's College London

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Patricia Masterson-Algar
Bangor University

Lecturer and Research Fellow at the Dementia Services Development Centre, Bangor University. My research focuses on young people living in families affected by dementia


Dr Orii McDermott
University of Nottingham
Senior Research Fellow. Expertise in music-based interventions and outcome measures development. Currently investigating the needs of people with Young Onset Dementia

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Esme Moniz-Cook
University of Hull

Professor Emerita Clinical  Psychologist, Ageing and Dementia. Founder chair, now Task Force Co-ordinator INTERDEM Board

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Kirsten Moore
Marie Curie Palliative Care Research Department, University College London
Social gerontologist undertaking research in dementia and palliative care with a focus on family carer grief and preparation for end of life..


Naaheed Mukadam
University College London

Dementia epidemiology, dementia prevention, ethnic inequalities in dementia

Maurice Mulvenna
Professor of Computer Science

Professor of Computer Science at School of Computing, Ulster University. Researcher in artificial intelligence; dementia; digital mental health; assistive technologies.


Cathy Murphy
University of Southampton

Continence care for people living at home with dementia

Andy Northcott
Geller Institute of Ageing and Memory, University of West London

Senior Lecturer in Sociology of Medicine. Research uses ethnography to improve the experience and outcomes of hospital admissions for people with people with dementia

Dr Deborah Oliveira
University of Nottingham
Dementia risk reduction, low- and middle-income countries, family caregiving, long-term care, health promotion, quality of life, psychometrics

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Professor Martin Orrell
Institute of Mental Health
Professor and Director of the Institute of Mental Health and Head of Division of Psychiatry and Applied Psychology at the Institute of Mental Health, University of Nottingham

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Jan R Oyebode
University of Bradford

Chair in Dementia Care. Expertise in clinical psychology approaches and mixed methods such as IPA and Grounded Theory.


Dr Marie Poole
Population Health Sciences Institute, Newcastle University

I am a senior qualitative researcher at Newcastle University, UK and NIHR ARC Dementia Research Fellow

Catherine Powell
University of Bradford
I am a research fellow working on the National Insitute for Health Research funded 'Better Health in Residents in Care Homes (BHiRCH) project

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Dr. Snorri Bjorn Rafnsson
University of West London
Dr. Rafnsson is an Associate Professor of Ageing & Dementia, with an interest in cognition/dementia, psychosocial functioning, and family caregiver well-being

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Greta Rait
University College London
Clinical academic General Practitioner. Dementia in primary care, epidemiology and trials


Professor Siobhan Reilly
University of Bradford

Director of the Centre for Applied Dementia Studies. The goal of my research is to improve the quality of care and evidence of for the delivery of health and social care services for people with people with dementia

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Louise Ritchie
University of the West of Scotland

Dr Louise Ritchie is a Reader in dementia research with expertise in dementia and employment, purposeful activities and research involvement

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Professor Louise Robinson
Institute of Health & Society, Newcastle University
Target the key international agenda of global ageing and the health and wellbeing of older people with a particular focus on dementia care.


Dr Elizabeth L Sampson
Marie Curie Palliative Care Research Department, University College London
Clinical research (palliative & acute hospital care). Old age liaison psychiatrist. Studies developing complex interventions & on epidemiology (survival, pain & delirium)

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Kritika Samsi
King's College London
Research Fellow at NIHR Health & Social Care Workforce Research Unit.

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Sharon Savage
University of Newcastle, UK
Clinical neuropsychologist; Lecturer in Ageing & Dementia, University of Exeter, UK. Research: psychosocial and cognitive interventions, technology-assisted interventions.

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Justine Schneider
University of Nottingham
The arts as psychosocial interventions in dementia; service use and costs; carers; innovative workforce development approaches using the arts

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Dr Dia Soilemezi
University of Portsmouth

Visiting senior research fellow at the Department of Psychology. Expertise in qualitative studies. Research focus's in homecare and dementia friendly environments

Professor Aimee Spector
Development and evaluation of psychosocial interventions and outcome measures for people with dementia, with specific expertise in Cognitive Stimulation therapy (CST).
Charlotte R. Stoner
University of Greenwich

Psychometrics with a focus on positive psychology measurement, development and evaluation of psychosocial interventions, implementation research.

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Professor Claire Surr
Leeds Beckett University
Dementia workforce development, care homes, psychosocial intervention evaluation, care and support for people with comorbid cancer and dementia

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Catherine Talbot
Bournemouth University

Senior Lecturer in Psychology. Expertise in early-stage and young-onset dementia, digital technologies, online support, social identity, and social inclusion

Professor Victoria Tischler
Professor of Behavioural Science, University of Surrey
Expertise: arts and dementia; multi-sensory approaches to dementia care, with a focus on olfaction; public engagement

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Jane Wilcock
University College London
Jane’s research interests are in dementia diagnosis and post-diagnostic support, and trials of co-designed complex interventions in primary care and community settings.

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Mark Wilberforce
University of York
I research the meaning and measurement of person-centredness in home support for older people..

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Tracey Williamson
Lead Nurse NHS Wales/Honorary Professor Univesity of Wocester
Family care in the dementia context, Patient and public involvement in research, participatory approaches, technology co-design

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Gill Windle
DSDC Wales Research Centre, School of Health Sciences, Bangor University
Director of DSDC Wales http://dsdc.bangor.ac.uk/research.php.en Associate Director of the Wales Centre for Ageing and Dementia Research http://www.cadr.cymru/en/

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Emma Wolverson
University of West London

Professor of Ageing and Dementia at the Geller Institute of Ageing and Memory (GIAM) and research lead at the charity Dementia UK, that provides admiral nurses for families affected by dementia..

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Robert Woods
University of Bangor

Professor Emeritus of Clinical Psychology of Older People at Bangor University, Wales, UK and former director of the Dementia Services Development Centre Wales

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Meg Wyatt
Geller Institute of Ageing and Memory, University of West London

Research focussing on how people living with dementia engage with and experience the Arts.

Jen Yates
University of Nottingham

Assistant Professor in Mental Health, Research includes heath service provision. Lived experience of dementia, mental health in later life