BLOG – Experiences Summer School INTERDEM Academy 2016
The second INTERDEM Academy Summer School MultiDem: “Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Dementia” took place on 4-8 of July at the University of...
The second INTERDEM Academy Summer School MultiDem: “Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Dementia” took place on 4-8 of July at the University of...
Our second INTERDEM Academy Summer School MultiDem: “Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Dementia” took place on 4-8 of July at the University of...
Prof. Dr. Myrra Vernooij-Dassen, chair INTERDEM and Prof. Mary Mittelman.
The publication of the month June, selected by the website committee, is Sobol et al. In this article results of a large RCT are described in...
The QUALIDEM is a promising and internationally recommended dementia-specific quality of life observationinstrument. Based on the results of...
The INTERDEM Academy enables fellowships for early stage researchers allowing them to spend 3-6 months abroad at another PRIDE or INTERDEM site...
The website committee selected the publication of Wiskerke et al. as publication of the month. The paper discusses a rather new theme: how to deal...
I, Esme Moniz-Cook am of course disappointed that the British public voted narrowly to leave the EU. As founder chair and now co-chair of...
Current situation Barring unilateral action from the UK Government, members are advised that the vote to leave the European Union (EU) does not...
The German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases (DZNE) in Rostock/ Greifswald is going to advertise an open position as “professor in health care...
The AcTo Dementia project recently launched its website with the primary aim of recommending Accessible Touchscreen apps for people living with...
My name is Emily and in October 2015 I began a PhD at the University Of Nottingham researching the arts and dementia as part of the TAnDem (The...