Creating a dementia research agenda with impact
Wednesday, September 11th 2019 – Den Bosch, The Netherlands In a theatre hall all seats are aligned in a so-called ‘fishbowl’, several circles of...
Wednesday, September 11th 2019 – Den Bosch, The Netherlands In a theatre hall all seats are aligned in a so-called ‘fishbowl’, several circles of...
The website committee has chosen the following article as publication of the month January: Scerri, A, Sammut, R, Scerri, C. Formal caregivers’...
Across the globe, the COVID-19 pandemic has had a major impact on those who live and work in care homes. In England, a study of 9,081 care homes... Date: 9th & 10th March 2021 Event Description In addition to the Dementias Conference taking...
On November 10th, it was National Informal Caregivers Day, a Dutch initiative of ‘MantelzorgNL’ to put people that care for someone else all year...
INTERDEM Academy member dr. Hannah Christie has posted a blog in the new AAL magazine about increasing implementation of eHealth solutions for...
The website committee has chosen the following article as publication of the month December: Du B, Lakshminarayanan M, Krishna M, Vaitheswaran S...
My research area My research area has been about developing and testing interventions (care practices, services or training) to improve the...
The website committee selected the following publication of the month for November 2020: “Toward a theory-based specification of...
Summary: The Centre for Applied Dementia Studies is now offering the award winning DCM training online Content: The Centre for Applied Dementia...
Now the first vaccinations are up for approval, countries are starting to roll this out with the United Kingdom as the first...
We were very fortunate that the Alzheimer Europe Conference was still taking place despite the huge amount of changes we have to deal with in the...