Junior member to join the Board of INTERDEM

Would you like to play a role in shaping the future of INTERDEM, and increase your professional network? 

We are looking for a junior member to join the Board of INTERDEM. 

The Board

INTERDEM is led by a board, consisting of senior INTERDEM members from different parts of Europe.

Criteria for becoming a board member are in summary:

  1. Acknowledged dementia expert in psychosocial interventions research
  2. Acknowledged collaborative skills
  3. Preferably strategic positions in other organisations
  4. Preferably add to a balance in the board from all parts of Europe

Preferably add to the multidisciplinary expertise in the board

All board positions are voluntary. The term of office for senior Board members is five years and can be extended once by five years up to a maximum term of office of 10 years. In order to ensure the junior status of the applicant or the board member/ representative of the INTERDEM Academy the term is 2 years, and can be extended once up to two years, with a maximum of three years after one’s PhD defense.

Being a member of the Board means being: 

  • Willing and able to work in the best interests of INTERDEM rather than representing individual interests. 
  • Affinity to strategy development and policy making regarding the mission of Interdem
  • Being constructive, courteous and professional at all times.
  • Able to commit to attend monthly online board meetings and at least one face to face meeting per year. 
  • Contribute actively to the activities of the board and INTERDEM. 

The board consists of a maximum of ten board members that have one of the following positions in the board:

  • Board chair
  • Board secretary
  • Conference coordinator
  • Taskforce coordinator
  • Academy manager
  • Academy advisor
  • Website liaison
  • Research coordinator
  • Membership coordinator
  • Junior representative of the INTERDEM Academy

The current position concerns the Junior representative of the INTERDEM Academy. This junior member is also member of the management board of the Interdem Academy.

Specific tasks of this junior board member are:

  • Represent the INTERDEM Academy in the INTERDEM board
  • Attend the monthly online INTERDEM board meetings
  • Attend the meeting of the INTERDEM Academy management board (3 times/ year)
  • Make an active contribution to the board meetings and activities

Selection criteria

  • Strong motivation for the role
  • Clear overview of the mission and aims of INTERDEM and the INTERDEM Academy
  • Preferably a minimum of 2 years of experience as a PhD student

In our selection we aim for a balanced representation among countries and institutes across Europe.

Applications and procedure

INTERDEM academy members can apply by sending a short CV and a motivation letter to the manager of the INTERDEM academy Fania Dassen (f.dassen@maastrichtuniversity.nl)

If you would like an informal discussion about the role, please contact Sara Bartels (sara.bartels@maastrichtuniversity.nl) or Esther Loseto-Gerritsen (Esther.Loseto-Gerritzen1@nottingham.ac.uk). 

Deadline for applications is Feb 10th 2024 5pm CET.

Best wishes,