Website photo contest 2023

After receiving some great photos from our members, the winner of our 2023 photo contest aiming to update our website’s visual content was Simone de Bruin with this picture taken at a care farm in the Netherlands:

We would like to extend our gratitude to the following participants for their creativity and enthusiasm: Ana Barbosa, Lizzy Boots, and Sophie van Westendorp. We are truly fortunate to have such talented colleagues within our members!

Other photos from Simone:

An old person feeding a horse

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A person cutting flowers in a garden

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And a few examples of photos sent by the other participants:

A person looking at another person

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This photo was taken from a television programme concerning dementia and its influence on people with dementia, their supporters, and the society. Among these items and raising awareness for dementia, this programme showed an impression of a Meet & Connect gathering organised by Alzheimer Nederland and ZonMW. The aim of these gatherings are to seek collaboration among all Dutch researchers dedicated to dementia research and this collaboration is exactly what I found that day. I hope this will inspire others to organise these kinds of events. Sophie van Westendorp

A camera on a tripod with a person and person in the background

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Lizzy Boots doing a podcast for family caregivers together with the national Alzheimer’s Society (Alzheimer Nederland) in the Netherlands

A person and person looking at a device

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Ana Barbosa and Michael Andrews (Expert by Experience) working on a project looking at the use of everyday technology by people with dementia (University of Bradford)