SPREAD+ is a Dutch consortium funded by Alzheimer Nederland and Health Holland. The consortium started in October 2022 and is led by Maastricht University (Prof. Dr. Marjolein de Vugt), Radboud UMC (Prof. Dr. Debby Gerritsen), UMC Groningen (Prof. Dr. Sytse Zuidema) and Windesheim University of Applied Sciences (Dr. Simone de Bruin).
SPREAD+ is structured in seven work packages (WPs), that each addresses a specific substantive or intersecting theme. WP1 provides an infrastructure for efficient and equal collaboration within SPREAD+. WP2 focuses on Psychological well-being, WP3 on Lifestyle & Environment, and WP4 on Health & Safety. WP5 addresses sustainable use of technological innovations and related ethical issues, WP6 ensures inclusive research, and WP7 supports joint learning and implementation. SPREAD+ will enhance the understanding of needs of people with dementia and their carers, match these needs with existing interventions and identify gaps to prioritize further needs-driven intervention development and implementation.
For more information, please feel free to contact Project manager Fania Dassen (f.dassen@maastrichtuniversity.nl)