Article of the month: December

Budak KB, Atefi G, Hoel V, Laporte Uribe F, Meiland F, Teupen S, Felding SA, Roes M. (2021)  Can technology impact loneliness in dementia? A scoping review on the role of assistive technologies in delivering psychosocial interventions in long-term care. Disabil Rehabil Assist Technol. 9:1-13. doi: 10.1080/17483107.2021

In this scoping review the authors aimed to identify assistive technologies which could be promising in addressing loneliness in people living with dementia in long-term care. From all the included 24 publications, only one has directly measure the loneliness. However, the outcomes focusing on behaviour, engagement, and mood measures indicate that delivering psychosocial interventions via assistive technologies, including social robots and multimedia computer systems, have the potential to impact loneliness in people living with dementia in LTC. 

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