Interdem academy – Masterclass implementation
We were very fortunate that we were able to attend the two day Interdem Acadamy masterclass on Implementation. We enjoyed our first face to face masterclass since the pandemic. The masterclass was held over two days in Nottingham and had in person and live online lectures. It was part of the Distinct school, so different PhD candidates from all around Europe joined the masterclass.
On Wednesday evening we arrived after a long train journey to the venue on the campus, where we were staying and where the masterclass was taking place.
The speakers covered a wide variety of topics all related to implementation of dementie care. On Thursday, we started off with an ice breaker and introduction round, after which professor Martin Orrel gave a lecture on career perspective. This was a nice way to start of the masterclass.
The lecture on social media was both interesting and relevant to our research projects. The Alzheimer Society UK was present to provide detailed information on how they embed research findings into practice. On Friday, topics related to a global perspective and health economics were discussed. This really put into perspective the challenges we are facing when implementing dementia care.
Aside from the lectures we enjoyed the social and networking aspect of the Masterclass in Nottingham. On Thursday evening there was a networking dinner in the oldest pub in the UK. It was very nice to meet most of the distinct ESR’s and other PhD candidates.
We want to extend a special thanks to all the speakers and the Interdam Acadamy for organizing this masterclass om implementation!
Maud Hevink – PhD candidate at Alzheimer Centre Limburg, Maastricht University, the Netherlands
Daphne ter Huurne – PhD candidate at Alzheimer Centre Limburg, Maastricht University, the Netherlands