Kick-off meeting JPND SHARED project
On the 15th of May 2019 the kick-off meeting of the JPND Social Health And REserve in the Dementia patient journey (SHARED) project took place in Rotterdam.
The SHARED project is funded by the European Joint Programme Neurodegenerative Diseases (JPND). SHARED is an interdisciplinary project initiated by INTERDEM. The PI is Prof Arfan Ikram, epidemiologist Erasmus Uninversity Rotterdam. Participating INTERDEM members are: Myrra Vernooij-Dassen, Karin Wolf, Rene Thyrian, Rabih Chattat, Joanna Rymaszewska, Marieke Perry.
The project aims to unravel the interplay between social health and biological and psychological factors on dementia and to develop a framework for an intervention in health and social care. There will be a particular focus on the bidirectional link during the dementia process, the biological substrate on imaging, and the modifying role of brain and cognitive reserve. We bring together 10 studies with >105,000 subjects that together capture the entire life-course and the entire spectrum from cognitively healthy to severe dementia, and that have longitudinal data available on social, cognitive and brain reserve, brain imaging, environmental, physical and mental factors, and cognitive decline and onset of dementia.