2018 JPND call projects recommended for funding with INTERDEM involvement:
CO-designing diagnostic care (COGNISANCE)
Self-management with e-learning for carers (SHAPE)
Social Health and cognitive reserve (SHARED)
2018 EU Joint Programme Neurodegenerative Disease Research (JPND) call ”Multinational research projects on health and social care for the neurodegenerative diseases”.
INTERDEM is involved in 3 out of 10 projects recommended for funding based on scientific excellence:
CO-desiGningdemeNtia dIagnosIs ANdpost-diagnostic CaRe (COGNISANCE). PI Henry Brodaty (AU). INTERDEM members involved: Frans Verhey (NL), Greta Rait (GB), Louise Robinson, (GB) Joanna Rymaszewska (PL).
Self-management and HeAlth Promotion in Early-stage dementia with e-learning for carers (SHAPE). PI Ingelin Testad. INTERDEM members involved: Linda Clare (GB), Stefanie Auer (AT).
Social Health And Active ReservE in the Dementia patient journey (SHARED). PI Arfan Ikram (NL). Interdem members involved: Myrra Vernooij-Dassen (NL), Marieke Perry (NL), Karin Wolf-Ostermann (DE), Joanna Rymaszewska (PL), Rabih Chattat (IT), Rene Thyrian (DE).