Call for position papers for EviDem workshop
During the Ninth International Conference on eHealth, Telemedicine, and Social Medicine a workshop (EviDem) will be organized on Evidence based IT-innovations for People with Dementia: Sharing Expertise & Best Practices in the Quest for Research Methods and Outcome Criteria.
This workshop is co-organized by our Interdem member dr Marijke Span. Please submit your position paper (max 2 pages) before January 30, 2017.
The conference takes place in Nice, France, March 19 – 23, 2017.
See for more information below and at:
EviDem workshop:
Providing evidence for the added value of IT-innovations in health care often is quite a challenge. Randomised Controlled Trials, the golden standard in health care, usually do not apply. Hence, researchers aim for other methods which sometimes can be quite a quest. When the target group of the IT-innovation consists of people with dementia, this quest is even more challenging. Which outcome criteria are relevant and how do we measure them? When do we choose qualitative methods and when quantitative? Who do we provide the research data for and how is this affecting the chosen outcome criteria and methods? E.g. patients, their informal carers, care organisations, or health care insurance companies: they all tend to be convinced by different types of evidence. How do we guarantee the peace of mind of the respondents: to what extend do we want to, or have to, stay unobtrusive? Etc.
In this workshop (half or full day) we would like to share expertise and best practices on these questions. This workshop therefore has an interactive nature. Oral presentations of papers are limited to 5 – 10 minutes per paper (depending on the number of submissions) to guarantee maximum time for interaction. The sharing of expertise will be organised per topic. Topics will be decided on by the chairs, highly based on the submitted papers. Participants are requested to suggest topics, questions, best practices, etc.